We found the name in a Japanese recipe book, the literal translation being "Whatever you want."

"Okonomiyaki is best described by its translation. It literally means “whatever you want”(okonomi), “grilled (yaki).”

While we are not preparing or serving food our sole aim is to see successful up-take of the product or service you have envisioned, to ensure it's everything you wanted it to be and, more.

Will we give you whatever you want?

We may not initially give you whatever you want in the context of Product delivery but more to use our experience building software over the last 20+ years to guide you into making informed decisions. That might change your initial view of "what you want" or it may not, we work with you to measure the early results of our efforts so that we know whether we are either attracting your target market, or whether we need to adjust our approach.

Success to us means:

Seeing a meaningful uptake of your product or service.

Providing measurable results over time

Not breaking the bank on operation costs

Not breaking the bank on development costs

Building a supportable product or service that can stand the test of time and frequent technology updates